Author: Jordan Adams
Published: 11:39 PM CDT April 28, 2023
Updated: 11:39 PM CDT April 28, 2023
COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The George H.W. Bush Presidential Library & Museum at Texas A&M University held its topping-out ceremony Friday morning for its new building.
"I am amazed every day I drive to work and I see the people working on this building, making the incredible progress they've made so far," Acting Director Robert Holzweiss said. "Bad weather, good weather, heat, cold, they're out here doing their job. And they brought us to this point where we are now which is an amazing spot."
The new building will feature the Union Pacific 4141 locomotives that took the former president to his final resting place, as well as the Marine One helicopter that was used during Bush's presidency and a new restaurant.
"I think about what George and Barbara Bush would have thought just to see all this come together like this. Just the way the Bush school itself and the library have been so successful and then to have such a unique kind of facility like this," Chief Operating Officer Greg Hartman said. "A locomotive, and a helicopter in a large building, and the helicopter he used to travel throughout his presidency."
Those working at the library and museum think the new addition is going to attract many more visitors and will allow them to share more about President Bush's life.
"Many hands can make light work of community work, and that's the message we want to give here, and that the students at the Bush School, the students at Texas A&M, and really our whole community puts forward," Holzweiss said. "When people visit I hear it so often about how welcoming and gracious we are in this community, and I hope people get that when they come out to the library."
The new building and exhibit are set to be completed in June 2024 around the time that President Bush would have celebrated his 100th birthday.